
Showing posts from December, 2013

Texas Diary Part Two

I had an amazing time visiting my sister and her family in Texas, I can't believe is almost time to go home.  This is part two of the trip's highlights.  I took a drive to visit Bloom and it was closed :( but I am glad I went. The rest are South Lake and the last picture is from the beautiful sunrises we had each morning! We drove to Dallas to see the spot where President Kennedy was shot and went up the Reunion Tower to see a view of Dallas :) Thanks for stopping by! xo, Yaudy


Here is a recap of my favorite looks of 2013!   Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve!   Bring it on 2014 I am ready..   xo, Yaudy 

Texas Diary Part One

 I  was in heaven at this accessory store  A wall full of necklaces The best BBQ! Boots Boots and more Boots Sight seeing Fort Worth  Dreaming about this closet Christmas dinner My two little munchkins My husband, sister and her husband on Christmas Eve My beautiful sister and me On our way to Texas wearing: Forever 21 sweater/ Nordstroms jeans/ Target hat My first outfit: Forever 21 sweatshirt, jeans and boots/ Gap vest/ The Avenue bag Quick hello from Texas! Hope you guys had an amazing Christmas :) I am spending time with my family enjoying the holidays!! Thanks for stopping by... xo, Yaudy

Happy Holidays!

I can't believe this year went by so fast! In March I took a risk and started my blog and I am so glad I did! The blogger community is huge and I have connected with so many amazing people, I am very grateful for that :) I want to take a moment and thank all of you who visit my blog and for all the beautiful comments you leave me, it really means the world to me!! I also want to thank my wonderful husband who takes my pictures sunshine, rain and even during snow storms. Petr without you YCF will be full of mirrored selfies lol It is hard because of your work schedule, but I love how you always find time for me and my blog. I am taking a few days off to spend with my family and friends during the holidays. I will be back soon to show you all my holiday outfits :) In the mean time you can keep up with me on  Instagram  and  Facebook  :) Bring it on 2014 :) From my family to yours.. Happy Holidays! xo, Yaudy

Insta Moments

First snow fall :) First time trying Macaroons!  Blu Angels flyby in NJ Macy is out for the holidays Popcorn and the Fashion Police, best Friday night ever!! Hope you have an amazing weekend!! xo, Yaudy

Office Look Linkup

  Happy Thursday! Here is today's work outfit :) I am linking up with  Mix and Match Fashion  and  Simply Just Lovely ... Thank for stopping by.. xo, Yaudy Jacket: Forever 21 Top: Ralph Lauren via TJ Maxx Pants: Cynthia Rowley via TJ Maxx Shoes: Me Too via TJ Maxx Necklace: Forever 21 Lips: Lipstick Queen in Wine Sinner

A Cup of Teal

 Happy Wednesday! One of my favorite things to wear during Winter are tights. I like to have fun with them so wearing different colors is an adventure to me. When wearing colorful tights I like to keep the rest of the look simple this time I wore a black turtle neck, black faux leather shorts and my over sized motto coat.  My husband and I were going to dinner in the afternoon and to see the Rockefeller Christmas Tree at night.  Since we were going to do a lot of walking around NY I changed my heels to black riding boots and a heavier coat for more comfort. Thanks for stopping by.. xo, Yaudy Coat: Steve Madden via TJ Maxx Sweater: TJ Maxx Faux Leather Shorts: Zara Tights: Forever 21 Shoes: Mandee Necklace: H&M Lips: Lipstick Queen in Wine Sinner

Snow Angel

Me claiming victory lol... Happy Monday! As much as I hate the cold weather and the snow I can't help but always go out and play with it every time. Like this past Saturday, my husband and I decided to go the movies during a snow storm but before we hit the road we played like kids for an hour thank God he was able to snap some outfit photos before it got ugly and since it was war I decided to wear camo pants lol Hope you have a wonderful week! Thanks for stopping by.. xo, Yaudy Coat: Calvin Klein via TJ Maxx  Sweater: Forever 21 Pants: Forever 21 Faux Fur Collar: H&M Boots: JC Penney Hat: Forever 21 Rings: H&M and Forever 21

Drugstore Gems

Happy Friday!! Here are some drugstore products I have been obsessing about some for a long time and some recently.  I can spend hours at the drugstore I love finding new things to try and of course share them here with all of you. I have been a fan of this hairspray for a while now. Since I have pin straight hair I have to use a curling iron at least twice a week finding a good hair spray was important to me and the Loreal Elnett Satin works wonders on my hair. After I curled my hair I let the curls cool a little bit, then I spray them and run my fingers through the hair. The bottle says "disappears at the stroke of a brush" and they were not lying because it does! You can find it at any drugstore for $14.99. When it comes to nail polishes I buy any brand as you can see on  Here  and  here , but lately I have been wearing the Ulta brand.  They last for over two weeks on my nails and they have beautiful colors. These three here I got recen...