My Promise to Twenty Twenty

Another year comes to an end and there it is the chance to a new start.  Ever since getting sick I don't take any day for granted.  This year came fast and is leaving me even faster.  My year was not at all perfect, but it was a learning process.  Learning to manage my anxiety and learning to not let it stop me from being my best self.

I promise you 2020....

 That I will continue to understand myself.  

That I will make time to do the things I love.

That I will make time for those I love.

That I will be grateful for all you are bringing me.

That I will tackle every unconformable situation with a smile.

And lastly..

I will love myself for all that I am!

Goodbye 2019!

Cheers to a new beginning!

Xo, Yaudy Cristina


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