Summer Time Sadness

Hello September!!!

My birthday month and a whole of bunch of other people I know LOL

 Today we closed out Summer and I already feel sad.  I feel down because we were robbed, yes robbed.  Summer is my favorite season and this virus just took all the fun away.  I am not saying my Summer was uneventful, but all my international travel plans got canceled. 
I tried to make the best of it by going to explore new places, new town and some beach days and that at least satisfied me.

I gave the head scarf a try and I loved it! it made me feel like I belong in France in the 60's, I have no idea why it gave that vibe haha I have been behind posting on here that I can't remember where I wore this to, but it is definitely a style I will repeat again with jeans and a sweater.

What I am wearing:
Thrifted silk scarf
Gap blouse
Thrifted Levi's skirt via GoodWill
Yokono slides via T.J Maxx
Shein bag




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