My 3 Goals for 2023
2022 felt like it came and went with a blink of an eye. It was a good year for me personally and professionally. I was able to do some traveling and that is always a good thing! I did a lot of growing and self healing. Hoping to continue that during this year,
With that said here are the three major personal goals I plan to accomplish.
Do more of what makes me happy..
I need to get on a writing schedule. Writing on here makes me feel accomplished and it is something I have let go for while. But I think if I make it into a task it will definitely be done. I am starting today and scheduling another post for Wednesdays
Stop over spending...
I spent have of my vacation cleaning and decluttering my house I feel so light. I am able to open my closets and see what I have and it is more than enough. I am not saying I will never buy anything as my business is about thrifting and finding those gems, but I know being sustainable means less overbuying and that is what I am all for.
Create new relationships and work on the ones I have now..
That also means the relationship I have with myself. Sometimes we forget that we are the person we spent all of our time with, lets start to be kind to our body and mind. Also, try to make new friends which is something I have struggled with for a long time and lastly nourish my current friendships.
Now tell me something you will work on on this new year?
xo, Yaudy Cristina
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