A Look Inside the Octagon House

Last Monday I took myself on a solo adventure and went to visit the Armour-Stiner House.  The Octagon House is located in Irvington, in Westchester County, New York.  It is a National Historic Landmark since 1976 and it is the only domed octagonal residence.  It is truly a master piece! 

 For only $33 dollars you can tour the outside and inside of the house.  All while learning the history not only of the house but of every single family that owned it at some point. 

I of course had to dress for the occasion and wore this beautiful vintage dress, perfect colors for the house I swear I was blending in LOL 

 Needless tp say I asked the tour guide if there were any ghost in the house and to my surprised she said yes!  There is known to be a French decent girl living in the house and one of the owners wrote about her in his books.  The moment I heard that I immediately booked my Fall tour because during spooky season they speak all about this mysterious French girl. 

Truly an amazing site to see.

Have a nice weekend!

xo, Yaudy Cristina

*All pictures were taken by me*



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